Downloadable Sheets
Knowing what you value helps to make decisions that promote happiness, purpose and meaning. Discover your values with this worksheet.
Tree Journal
The tree journal helps to understand how your past and environments have shaped you while cultivating a future in alignment with your values.
Unpacking Anger
Is your anger impacting your life negatively? Anger often masks other emotions. This worksheet looks at what your anger might be masking.
Self Compassion
We are often our own worst critics, saying things to oursevles that we would never say to others. Cultivate self-esteem through self-compassion.
Community Resources
Addiction Helpline: 1-866-332-2322
Alcove Addiction Recovery for Women​
Emergency Numbers
Suicide Crisis Helpline: 988
Children's Services Intake & Emergency Line: 403-297-2995
Distress Centre: 403-266-4357
Eastside Family Centre: 403-299-9696​
Connection & Learning
Calgary Association of Lifelong Learners
Canadian Centre for Men and Families
Potential Place: 403-216-9250
Recovery College​​
Domestic Violence
Awo Taan Healing Lodge Society
Calgary Woman's Emergency Shelter: 403-234-7233
Discovery House: 403-670-0467
Fear is Not Love: 403-234-7233​
Calgary Legal Guidance: 403-234-9266
Children's Legal and Educational Resources
Child Support Recalculation Program
Family Law Centre: 1-866-480-4529
Legal Aid: 1-866-845-3425
Student Legal Assistance: 403-220-6637
Victim Assistance Support team: 403-428-8398
General Mental Health
First Nations & Inuit Hope for Wellness Helpline:
Health Link: 811
Mental Health Hotline: 1-877-303-2643